Another (mostly) great day in the land of use-it-or-lose-it vacation days.
I started today at the very early hour of 4:30 AM for no other reason than I was awake. Since I couldn't go back to sleep, I rolled out of bed and headed to the kitchen. It was the perfect day to make my favorite healthy breakfast, Power Pancakes with blueberries and sugar free syrup. Yum!
1/4 cup dry oatmeal
1/4 low fat cottage cheese
4 egg whites
Optional: add 1/4 cup of blueberries
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl (I use a 2-cup Pyrex measuring cup). You can also blend a ingredients in a blender until smooth and then add the blueberries (optional). Cook on a sprayed non-stick skillet. Makes 2 pancakes.
After my delicious pancake breakfast, I went to the gym for another kickboxing class that really kicked my butt! I haven't worked out this much in a long time and my body is feelin' it. My whole body hurts in a good way and is proof that I have been working hard this week. I love it!
I came home to a simple lunch of a turkey sandwich and celery.
After lunch, I jumped on the Wii Fit for a little yoga to stretch my sore muscles and then settled into our comfy couch to watch a Biggest Loser rerun episode on They have full episodes of the whole Season 8 online. That show is so inspirational and never fails to make me a little (or a lot) weepy.
You could set a clock by my hunger levels, so it was time time to eat again at 3:00, so I headed to the fridge. I finally tried AE Raspberry Cheesecake yogurt that Kristin at Iowa Girl Eats recommended. Yum! I added a Braeburn apple for a fantastic afternoon snack.
We are getting ready to go over to my sister and brother-in-law's house for the Nebraska bowl game. It has been a football-tastic week. I am looking forward to watching the Iowa State bowl game tomorrow night, too. It is an unconventional way to spend New Year's Eve (at least for me), but ISU doesn't make it to a bowl game very often, so we are going to celebrate it!
My FitBit has continued to motivate me to keep moving while I am at home this week.
Yesterday's FB Stats:
2,461calories burned
15,778 steps taken
7.31 miles traveled
The Bad News
Somehow, I managed to lose my FitBit this afternoon. It disappeared sometime this afternoon after my kickboxing class and I have no idea where it is hiding. I have looked everywhere. Well, technically not everywhere or I would have found it by now.
I hope it turns up soon!
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