Saturday, January 23

Happy and Healthy Saturday

After a tough day yesterday, I have had a healthy, happy and productive Saturday. I woke up bound and determined to have a good day and so far so good!

I brought some books to the used book store and while I was waiting for my credit, I found exactly what I was looking for! Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred!

I have heard lots of good things about this workout and am very excited to give it a try!

After the used book store, I went to the new bookstore. Or Barnes & Noble, as most people call it. Have we talked about how happy bookstores make me? I just love being surrounded by books. Being surrounded by books AND Starbucks coffee is even better! Browsing at Barnes & Noble always puts me in a good mood.

I have been looking for a cute notebook to keep in my purse and Barnes & Noble did not let me down. I found a little pink 12-month planner with lots of blank pages.

It is just the right size and, at 50% off, just the right price! I am going to be SO organized!

I also brought some donations to the Salvation Army. I have had them set aside for months now. Literally. I have been meaning to take them in since November! It was so quick and easy to do, I am not sure why I have put it off for so long.

What kinds of simple things do you put off?

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